2016 CWD SE02 18″ 3L Flaps 4.125″ Tree

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Pristine, 2016 CWD SE02 18″ with long, forward 3L flaps and a regular tree

Original price was: $3,675.00.Current price is: $3,475.00.

STUNNING, lightly used 2016 CWD SE02 (deep seat) 18″ with long 3L flaps and a regular 4.125″ tree. Luscious calf and grain leather. Grippy, comfy and secure. Think of it like a seatbelt! The flaps measure 15″ long by 14″ wide and a generous 4.125″ tree.

Trials welcome. Sells with waterproof CWD saddle cover. Text anytime 240-643-3989.

From the CWD website:

For the rider, the SE02 saddle correctly aligns the rider’s pelvis while limiting shifts in the center of gravity. The feeling of close contact allows the rider to have more precise actions. Contact is unrivaled thanks to a lower cut of the saddle flap around the stirrup bars (only one layer of leather under the skirt).

For the horse, the wide panels are concave and integrated for better distribution of the saddle’s pressure on the horse’s back.

The three-point girthing system distributes pressure on the horse’s back for better performance.


  • Hunter/Jumper
  • Close Contact
  • 3-point girthing system
  • Frees up the horse’s shoulders
  • Wide pommel supports the rider’s abductors
  • Billet guards to prevent the saddle flap from wearing out
  • Made out of calfskin and full grain leather